Tutorials To Watch While You're in Summer Quarantine (A chance to improve your skills)!

Hey everyone, ToffeeRaven here.

With summer coming up and everyone stuck in quarantine, this could be a really great chance to take a look at some tutorials and try to improve your art skills. Note these videos may or may not work for everyone, but they're just good to watch to pass the time.
First up, we have a summer cloud painting demonstration:


This is more of a speedpaint than a tutorial, but in my opinion you can learn lots of things from speedpaints just by observing how the artist draws.

Lighting is one of the hardest parts of digital painting (actually art in general), and I think learning from a tutorial will help lots in your art-ing adventure.

Clockbirds is one of my favorite artists, and she's very good at digital painting. Trying something new in the quarantine such as starting a painting in black and white could be fun, and with a mentor like Clockbirds, why not?

For some of us, backgrounds are very hard to do, so taking the time to try practicing them during quarantine could benefit your overall art! And here's another Clockbirds tutorial to help!

Creating more interest in your art is always a good thing! Here's a useful tutorial I found to help!

Another tutorial by Meppity! This one is for specifically adding interest to your lineart!

Last but not least, a character design video! This is a video for help with updating your characters and OCs! 

That's all the videos I have, but don't stop there! The rest of the Internet and Youtube are there to help you with your art endeavors! 

    Thanks for reading my blog, and if you like it, don't hesitate to subscribe! See you next time!

